Other's Pictures and Quotes

These are photo's and quotes found/taken and made by others (not me).

This is a picture taken in Qualicum, Vancouver Island, B.C after a rainfall. It was taken through a car window while driving.

This picture was taken in Qualicum.

This picture was taken in at a 4-H meeting.

It's a little hard to see. Sorry about that.

The photographer loves taking pictures of raindrops! Taken out of a window.

 When trying to get a better view of the rainbow, at the beach, the photographer decided to try to snap a shot of a seagull.

Another picture taken at a 4-H meeting. The Sharpies just happened to be sitting together to make a great shot.

Taken at a 4-H meeting. Just a random shot, but turned out to be a pretty good subject for a quote.



A beautiful tree just outside Qualicum Foods. A beautiful quote, as well, inspired by a song called Honey and the Bee by Owl City.  

Taken at a 4-H meeting.

The Photographer's dog

Another picture of the Photographer's dog

Kiara sent these to me for me to put up... thanks Kiara :)

A picture and quote just in time for the release of the Lorax movie! In theatres this Friday (March 2nd)

This is a photo of a newly-hatched Silkie chick (about 2-3 minutes old) inside an incubator.

This photo was taken on Sugar beach, Kihei, Maui. (those are the photographer's footprints)

This photo was taken on a farm in Maui.

This is a photo of the rare Hawaiian Monk Seal (Taken on Launiupoko beach, near Lahaina, Maui). Don't worry, he's just sleeping!

This photo was taken at the same beach park as the Monk Seal photo. The birds were eating bread crumbs thrown by the photographer.

The bird was looking right at the camera! Taken at Launiupoko beach park.

Taken on the road from Lahaina. The rainbow was beautiful. It was so big and vibrant! 

A picture of a small gecko found in a bucket of water at a farm near Lahaina, in Maui.

Hana Highway (on the road to Hana, in Maui)

A photo taken in a jungle on the road to Hana, in Maui.

A photo taken at a condo on Sugar Beach, in Kihei, Maui.

Photo taken at Butterfly World, In Coombs. Quote by Dr. Seuss.

Again, taken at Butterfly World.

This one is taken on my HTC 1 V phone (Kiara)

Also taken with my phone at the beach :)


  1. These are awesome! Great job Kiara :)

  2. What program do you use?

  3. Mine favourite ones are the Gem one and the Weeping willow :)

  4. :) Thanks I like the willow one too.
